One coupon code is allowed per transaction. This includes Power Up Points coupon codes. If multiple codes are being offered at once, you can decide which code best suits your purchasing situation. Discounts are calculated on subtotal of all qualifying products. Shipping & taxes are not included in discounts.
Where do I enter my coupon code?
You can enter your preferred coupon code either in the View Cart stage or once you've entered checkout.
If you are using any other checkout option; Global-E International, PayPal, Amazon etc., you'll need to enter your code in the View Cart stage before you enter that pay method's portal.
Why does my coupon code not work?
Please note that the most reliable coupon codes are generated directly by SheVibe. Codes that you find on coupon sites or other parts of the internet are not sanctioned by us and may not be valid or current. To be sure you are receiving valid coupon codes:
Several coupon codes are issued for specific situations and are valid for a one time use. If you have already used a specific code and it was valid for a one time use, you will not be able to use it a second time.